104.3 Fresh Radio, 96.3 BIG FM and SOCKS Kingston, need your help. Socktober is HERE, and we want to make this Socktober the most successful one to date!
Every month more than 800,000 Canadians rely on Food banks, and SOCKS are one of the most needed and least donated items to these facilities. SOCKS are more than an article of clothing to those who have so little. They offer warmth, health, a symbol that someone is looking out for them, ownership, and pride. SOCKS make the forgotten poor feel wanted and loved again.
Are you planning on taking part in SOCKTOBER this year? If you are, please tag us in your social media posts and reach out to sockskingston@gmail.com with any questions!
Let’s make this the best SOCKTOBER yet! All new socks collected in Kingston, stay in Kingston and support multiple agencies.